The COVID-19 pandemic has infected millions of people, but there is no obvious sign of relief due to the high infection rate, long incubation period and lack of mature treatments or vaccines. Vaccines are the most promising solution for mitigating new virus strains.

In the past year, the COVID-19 vaccine has developed rapidly. Dozens of candidate vaccines are being tested in clinical trials to evaluate their safety and effectiveness. Currently, there are 14 COVID-19 vaccines on the global market.

Type   Company Brand Name Approval
RNA vaccines 1 Pfizer–BioNTech BNT162b2/Tozinameran/ Comirnaty 83 Countries
2 Moderna mRNA-1273 46 Countries
Adenovirus vector vaccines 3 Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology Sputnik V/Gam-COVID-Vac 62 Countries
4 Oxford–AstraZeneca AZD1222/Vaxzevria 91 Countries
5 Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) Ad26.COV2.S/Ad26COVS1/JNJ-78436735 40 Countries
6 CanSino Biologics Convidecia/Ad5-nCoV 5 countries
7 Serum Institute of India Covishield 33 Countries
Inactivated virus vaccines 8 Sinopharm(Beijing) BBIBP-CorV 35 Countries
9 Sinovac Biotech CoronaVac 22 Countries
10 Bharat Biotech/Indian Council of Medical Research Covaxin/BBV152 6 Countries
11 Sinopharm(Wuhan) WIBP-CorV 2 Countries
12 Chumakov Centre CoviVac 1 Country
Protein subunit vaccines 13 Vector Institute EpiVacCorona  2 Countries
14 Anhui Zhifei Longcom/ Institute of Microbiology RBD-Dimer/ZF2001 2 Countries

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Currently, the mRNA vaccine is the most widely administered vaccine in the world. Previously, there had been no commercial mRNA vaccine, and it had not been tested in large human trials and had not been clinically proven. And COVID-19 changed all that. Now, let's discovered the ingredients of Pfizer's vaccine and Moderna's vaccine.


As mentioned in the above table, both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain polyethylene glycol (PEG). According to the MIT, PEGs are basically tiny, greasy spheres that are used in COVID vaccines to protect the active ingredient (mRNA) and help it penetrate cells. It is within cells that the mRNA can go to work priming the immune system.

Biochempeg can produce and provide the following PEG products that can use in COVID-19 vaccines.

 1  mPEG-N,N-Ditetradecylacetamide (ALC-0159)  CAS No. 1849616-42-7
2 mPEG-DMG CAS NO. 160743-62-4
3 mPEG-CH2CH2CH2-NH2 ---
4 mPEG-OH CAS NO.: 9004-74-4
5 mPEG-CM (mPEG-AA) --- mPEG-AA